Kitchen, a meal for each child
Often, we transmit our will to help the village of Wagusu and its children; that’s what happened with Julien & Florent when we first met them in early summer 2015.
Like many people we come across, Julien and Florent were looking to give back but had a hard time finding an organization that can be trusted. When they heard about our project and its grassroot operation, they wanted to meet us. Our close ties with the community, our transparency and our volunteer based administration are all particularities of our organization.
After being in touch with local staff and being aware of local needs, they started raising enough funds to renovate the “Day Center” kitchen and install an onven.
All of this allowed local employees and legal guardians on orphans to offer daily meals, in better conditions...making the task simpler and healthier.
They also embellished the entrance of the orphanage to make it more esthetical.
Thanks to Julien and Florent!